Friday 2 December 2016

Browse Activity - Sugar.

Browse Activity

Browse is a simple activity which helps surfing the internet. In other way, it is just a simple but a good web browser. Browse sports some good amount of features.

How to start Browse?

Just open that globe like looking icon, and it will launch Browse. 
(See the attached image, it is marked with blue color).

How to use it?

Now, after you opened Browse activity, things are just simple. 

You can search it just by typing URL at the text box given at the top. (See the screenshot)

You can save your current activity to journal too, just by clicking on that globe icon on the top-left corner, and pressing the 'diary' like icon. 

The settings icon in the in the above screenshot is to inspect web elements. Clicking on it will open a small pane at bottom from which you can inspect elements. You can see different types of elements, network, resources of that page, console and more. You can edit elements too.

You can undo, redo, copy and paste by interacting with the scissor icon. 

By interacting with the 'eye' icon, you can see options like to Zoom In, Zoom Out, revert to actual size and even use fullscreen mode. There is also a 'star' icon which will launch a pane at bottom if you have any favorites saved.

You can go to the homepage by clicking on the home icon on the toolbar.

Similarly, there are also navigation buttons, you can go back and forward by using them. 

The star icon, is used to bookmark a webpage. Now, after you bookmark it, you can see the 'star' icon enabled in the place where you can use features like Zoom in, out, fullscreen...


No bugs found during this test. It seems to be stable. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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